Obtaining Study Authorizations in Québec
Admission Letter
Apply to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Québec.
CAQ (Study)
Obtain a Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) from the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI).
Study Permit
Apply for a Study Permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ)

Need assistance with your CAQ application?
Licensed MIFI-registered consultants can represent you in Québec-related applications and provide follow-up support.

Advantages of Studying in Québec
Primary/Secondary Studies
Affordable Education: One of the most budget-friendly options in Canada.
Bilingual Learning Environment: Quebec's schools offer bilingual education, fostering proficiency in both French and English.
Gateway to North America: Gain exposure to North American culture and enhance future opportunities for higher education in top universities in the United States and other Canadian provinces.
Post-Secondary Studies
Time Efficiency: Québec's special program, Diplôme d'études professionnelles (DEP), can be completed in 16-18 months instead of the standard 2 years in other provinces.
Cost-Effectiveness: Programs lasting 2 years or more generally qualify for a 3-year Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). However, a DEP program of 16-18 months can also grant a 3-year PGWP.